USB Type C

High Speed USB Physical Number Keys AES-128Bits Encrypted Solid State Drive SSD

Secure your digital assets with this Physical Key USB Encrypted Drive

The IB’s USB Encrypted Drive is an excellent solution for anyone who wants to keep their data secure. Unlike software-encrypted drive, this drive is a physical key that can’t be hacked remotely. It uses AES-128Bits encryption to ensure that your data is safe from prying eyes.

This IB’s USB Encrypted Drive is equipped with a physical number pad that is used to unlock or access something. In the case of the USB Encrypted Drive, it means that the drive is a physical device that you can hold in your hand and use to access your data. Unlike software-encrypted drive, which rely on passwords or other digital security measures, the USB Encrypted Drive uses a physical key to ensure that your data is safe from hackers and other unauthorized users.

In addition to being a secure way to store your data, the USB Encrypted Drive is also an excellent choice for anyone who wants to keep their cryptocurrency secure. With the rise of cryptocurrency, it’s more important than ever to keep your digital assets safe.

The USB Encrypted Drive is an excellent way to do that. Here are some of the benefits of the USB Encrypted Drive:

  • Physical key: Unlike software-encrypted drives, the USB Encrypted Drive is a physical key that can’t be hacked.
  • AES-128Bits encryption: The USB Encrypted Drive uses AES encryption to ensure that your data is safe from prying eyes.
  • Secure Cryptocurrency: The USB Encrypted Drive is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to keep their cyber coin wallet secure.
  • Easy to use: The USB Encrypted Drive is easy to use and doesn’t require any special software.

If you’re looking for a secure way to store your data or act your Hardware Cryptocurrency wallet, the USB Encrypted Drive is an excellent choice. Order yours today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is safe and secure.

Please note that if you forget the password, the data cannot be recalled. It is highly suggested to keep a backup for your data in case the drive is defective or damaged or the password is lost.


使用這款「物理金鑰 USB 加密驅動器」來保護您的數位資產

IB USB 加密固態硬碟是一個絕佳的解決方案,適用於任何希望保護其數據安全的人。與軟件加密硬碟不同,它是一個無法遠程入侵的物理金鑰。它使用 AES-128 位加密,確保您的數據免受窺探。

這款 IB USB 加密固態硬碟備了一個物理號碼鍵盤,用於解鎖或訪問某些內容。在 USB 加密固態硬碟的情況下,這意味著該固態硬碟是一個您可以手持並用來訪問數據的物理設備。與依賴密碼或其他數字安全措施的軟件加密不同,USB 加密固態硬碟使用物理金鑰確保您的數據免受黑客和其他未經授權的使用者的侵害。

除了作為安全存儲數據的方式外,USB 加密固態硬碟也是保護加密貨幣安全的絕佳選擇。隨著加密貨幣的興起,保護您的數位資產比以往更重要。

USB 加密固態硬碟是實現這一目標的絕佳方式。以下是 USB 加密固態硬碟的一些好處:

物理金鑰:與軟件加密不同,USB 加密固態硬碟是一個無法被入侵的物理金鑰。

AES-128 位加密:USB 加密固態硬碟使用 AES 加密,確保您的數據免受窺探。

安全的加密貨幣:USB 加密固態硬碟是任何希望保護其加密貨幣錢包的人的絕佳選擇。

易於使用:USB 加密固態硬碟易於使用,不需要任何軟件。

如果您正在尋找一種安全的方式來存儲數據或管理硬體加密貨幣錢包,USB 加密固態硬碟是一個絕佳的選擇。立即訂購,享受知道您的數據安全可靠的寧靜。


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