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可透視眼部溫感氣壓穴位按摩器 “內置藍芽喇叭”

Warm Eye Acupressure Points Massager with Bluetooth Speaker


您是否正在尋找緩解眼睛疲勞的方法? 這款可透視眼部溫感氣壓穴位按摩器就是您的不二之選!


這款按摩器可輕輕按摩您眼部不同區域,有助於增加血液循環並緩解緊張。 熱敷功能有助於放鬆眼部肌肉,而按摩穴位針對關鍵區域以緩解眼部壓力並促進放鬆。 此外,有三種不同的模式可供選擇,您可以選定最適合您的按摩體驗。

護眼模式旨在緩解眼睛疲勞,而美容模式有助於減少浮腫和黑眼圈的出現。 對於那些睡眠不足的人來說,睡眠模式可以幫助促進放鬆和改善睡眠質量。


除此之外 – 這款按摩器還配有藍牙揚聲器,因此您可以在放鬆身心的同時收聽自己喜歡的音樂或播客。 可調節的頭帶確保舒適貼合您頭部尺寸,可充電電池意味著您可以隨身攜帶這款按摩器。



使用按摩器簡單直觀。 只需戴上它,選擇您想要的按摩和加熱便可。

最後,如果您正在尋找一種方便有效的方法來緩解眼部疲勞和促進放鬆,那麼這款帶藍牙揚聲器的可透視眼部溫感氣壓穴位按摩器是您的必備之選。 它是幫助您在長時間後放鬆的完美工具。

Do you often experience eye fatigue or strain from staring at screens or reading for long periods of time?

Are you looking for a way to relieve eye strain and tension? Look no further than the Warm Eye Acupressure Points Massager with Bluetooth Speaker!

This massager is designed to gently massage your eye area, helping to increase circulation and alleviate tension. The warm compress feature helps to relax your eye muscles, while the acupressure points target key areas to relieve pressure and promote relaxation. Also, with three different modes to choose from, you can customize your massage experience to best suit your needs.

The eye protection mode is designed to provide relief from eye fatigue and strain, while the beauty mode helps to reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles. And for those struggling with sleep, the sleep mode can help promote relaxation and better sleep quality.

But that’s not all – this massager also comes with a Bluetooth speaker, so you can listen to your favorite music or podcasts while you unwind. The adjustable headband ensures a comfortable fit for your head size, and the rechargeable battery means you can take this massager with you on the go.

The intelligent constant temperature hot compress is especially effective at soothing tired eyes, and with its foldable design, this massager is incredibly portable and convenient for use at home or on the go.

The visual hollow design adds an extra layer of comfort, allowing you to fully relax while still being able to see your surroundings.

Using the massager is simple and intuitive. Just put it on, select your desired massage and heat settings, and let the massager do the rest. The acupressure points will target key areas around your eyes, helping to relieve tension and promote relaxation.

In a conclusion, if you’re looking for a convenient and effective way to relieve eye fatigue and promote relaxation, the Warm Eye Acupressure Points Massager with Bluetooth Speaker is a must-have. With its customizable settings, built-in sleep music, and visual hollow design, it’s the perfect tool to help you unwind after long periods of time.

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